On March 28th, 2000, I met Jake at the airport. I went home and told my mom about him and said, "Wouldn't it be funny if I married him? That would be such a wierd way to meet." I really didn't think anything would happen with it, but he called the next day and invited me to go to Sand Mountain with him that weekend. What was he thinking? I told him I appreciated the offer, but didn't think an overnighter was a good first date. Plus, I don't ride 4-wheelers. I have seen way too many people hurt at the hospital from those things. So, why that wasn't a turn-off enough for Jake, I don't know. For those who don't know Jake, 4-wheeling could be his life. Instead of never calling me again, he decided to prove me wrong. Before I talk about our first date, let me just say (besides not 4-wheeling) I don't like hot dogs and I don't like to get dirty. We went 4-wheeling, cooked hot dogs over a fire, and I was covered from head to toe with mud. Wow!! For a date full of things I "don't" do, I actually had a lot of fun (only because I love to pray and I was praying the whole entire time that I wouldn't die- ha ha)! And that is the end of this story and the beginning of our story.
Stacey, hey its Rach! I just started my blog so you need to email me your address to rgromney@gmail.com, Imade it private so email me and I will add you K! Your blog is cute! We need to get together soon so the kids can play! Love ya lots and miss ya!
Cute story!
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