Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This Is The Place State Park

Panning for gold

Kylie getting an "old-fashion" shave.
Train Ride

Kaden plowing the garden

Making Candles

Little people village

School time

Ice cream break!

Kylie feeding the lamb

Petting Zoo

Pony rides

This is one of our favorite summer outings. The kids love "Baby Animal Days" at This is the Place.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. Are family visited their during one of our trips to visit Fawn a couple of years ago. We got there to late in the day to go through the village area so we just spent some time up by the monument.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, I meant "Our family..."

Just Me said...

Hurrah for updates!! Everyone looks so great! I can't believe how tall Kylie is.. Actually I can, it just seems like yesterday when she was born though! How is it going with the seizures by the way?