Saturday, February 21, 2009

Less Than a Month to Go!!

Our little girl still does not have a name, but she is due on March 20th!!! We are so excited- and getting a little nervous. I have a cradle that I normally keep my babies in by my bed for the first little while, but decided to set up the crib because I'm worried about safety with Kaden and the cradle. Jake set up the crib and Kaden climbed right in. I'm a little worried. I don't think there's any place in my house I can safely put the baby without Kaden getting to her. We'll figure out something, but I may have to get up extra early or wait until Jake gets home everyday to shower. If anyone has any advice on this or anything else that they've done with a newborn and a 2 yr old, I'm more than happy to hear it!


Cami said...

I still only shower when Dave is home.. I don't trust my kids! :) However, when Landon was baby I would put him in the bathroom with me (like in his bouncer seat, or little swing) You could keep an eye on him that way!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the bouncer seat is the safest way to go for me too. Jonathan likes the sound of the running water as well.

Amy said...

I would shower with Jaycee and put Rylund in the bouncer seat. Good Luck!! MISS YA!